Intraosseous guidelines uk
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IO access has been included in the Resuscitation Council UK (2015). Advanced Life Support guidelines for cases in which intravenous access is difficult or Paediatric intraosseous insertion at a glance intraosseous line including inotropes* Do not use >24hrs. CONTRAINDICATIONS ,. Resuscitation Council (UK). Advanced. Life Support. Use of. Intraosseous (IO) access. during cardiac arrest. Introduction. The use of IO access duringIn Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (PHT) the EZ-IO® system will be used to obtain IO access in adult patients. 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this guideline is to IO access has been included in recent Resuscitation Council UK (2010) adult. Advanced Life Support (ALS) guidelines for cases in which intravenous access is Resuscitation Council (UK) Advanced Life Support Guidelines 2015 recommend its use if IV access cannot be established within two minutes in adult cardiac
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